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July 2002
  1. Internet Attacks On Companies Up 28 Percent, Report Says
  2. Internet fraudster gets 12 years
  3. Are you insured against cybercrime?
  4. House OKs life sentences for hackers
  5. USA Today investigating hack attack
  6. Militants wire Web with links to jihad
  7. Congress to turn hacks into hackers
  8. FBI uneasy about plan to deregulate fast Net
  9. Charges Announced In Child Porn Crackdown
  10. Cyber Terrorism and Critical Infrastructure Protection
  11. US anticipates year of internet terror
  12. Wi-Fi honeypots a new hacker trap
  13. Al Qaeda cyber alarm sounded
  14. Al Qaeda cyber alarm sounded
  15. Tech pros: Cyberbomb's ready to go off
  16. Congress to turn hacks into hackers
  17. Kuriko Miyake, IDG News Service

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