^macro[html_start;Cyberpolice vs. Cybercrime;Cyberpolice vs. Cybercrime;Cyberpolice, Cybercrime, computer crime, cybercrime] ^macro[pagehead;img/library.gif] ^macro[leftcol] ^macro[centercol;

Cyberpolice vs. Cybercrime

By Vladimir Golubev
Date: July 17, 2003

Stop Cyber Crime European and American officials raise the alarm: cybercrime became a real security threat. Increasing hackers attacks to computer networks and web-sites of public services, new versions of computer viruses, traditional terrorism committed and declared in the Internet demand the real investigation and prosecution of virtual crimes.

Special services of any country are in need of high-skilled experts. Thus training of policemen and agents is a critical task in counteraction to cyber crime.

Experts spend near 34 hours analyzing the hackers actions, while hacker makes the job for half an hour. Liquidation of consequences of hacker's actions by own expert costs $ 2 000, but with the help of outside experts - $ 22 000.

In these conditions the policemen should receive additional education which would allow them to fight this kind of criminality.

September, 2001 National Scientific Fund (USA) has declared the beginning of the new project on training the experts in computer security for government. US government foresees $ 8,6 million for the training and 200 students grant. It is no wonder because 70 % of hacked web-sites fall to the share of US.

As for Ukraine, there was developed a Department of criminal search in the field of Information Technologies in Donetsk Higher School of Law at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

Thus, first in Ukraine the Donetsk Higher School of Law accepted the entrants which will study there for 4 years and get the degree on "Jurisprudence" and "Criminal search in the field of Information Technologies".

The training provides studying the legislation^; ways and methods of prevention, disclosing, investigation, prosecution and bringing to a court of cyber crimes.

Computer Crime Research Center

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