Freedom of speech in the Internet
By Vladimir Golubev
Date: July 16, 2003
Problem of legal regulation of the Internet is one of the most important tasks of the state. Legislators undertake attempts to define a role of the state in the Internet relations.
The Council of Europe is going to pass new rules for owners of webs - resources^; at least, this project is discussed rather actively. There is a point in the rules that will oblige publishers to give an opportunity to all authors to comment the written in the same place. However, this law has opponents as well^; they see the beginning of the end of freedom in the Internet.
On January, 30, 2003 Verhovna Rada of Ukraine has registered the bill “On Activity in Information area”. The consideration of the bill was planned on July, 2, 2003.
Authors of the bill provide the creation of the mechanism of the government in sphere of information and control of Internet businesses. Also, the main task of the bill is maintenance of human rights and freedoms, duties and responsibility in sphere of information. The Law could promote development of telecommunication services in Ukraine. By the highest standards, the point is a national security of Ukraine.
Computer Crime Research Center
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