^macro[html_start;Cyber crime is a national security threat;Cyber crime is a national security threat; Cyber crime, national, security, threat, cyber crime, computer crime, cybercrime] ^macro[pagehead;img/library.gif] ^macro[leftcol] ^macro[centercol;

Cyber crime is a national security threat

By Vladimir Golubev
Date: July 14, 2003

Stop Cyber Crime The president of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma has signed the changes in the Concept of National Security of Ukraine (the Basis of a public policy). The related law on bases of national security of Ukraine has been passed by the Verhovna Rada on June, 19, 2003. The law will come into effect from the date of its publication.

Concept the has the list of priorities of Ukraine's national interests which include warranting of human freedom and constitutional rights^; protection of the national sovereignty, territorial integrity and frontiers inviolability^; non-interference of the foreign states into internal affairs of the country^; development of competitive and socially focused market economy^; constant growth of a standard of living and well-being of the population.

Concept defines threats to Ukraine's national interests and security : the military-political instability in the world^; regional and local wars (conflicts) in different regions, first of all, near to the Ukrainian borders^; structural and functional imbalance of political system^; inability of certain political elements to response to national security threats on-the-fly. The list of threats includes also: large debt dependence of the state^; critical volumes of the state external and internal debts^; the shady public economy^; the leakage of scientists, experts, the qualified labour^; computer crime and cyber terrorism.

Spread of computer viruses, fraud with plastic cards, drawing money from banking accounts, theft of computer information and violation of computer system operating rules is not a full list of computer crimes. That is why there is an urgent problem of counteracting them both in Ukraine and many other countries through out the world. Such crimes have tendencies to become aggravated. They are already a definite social danger that threatens information security - a component of national one

The enactment of new Concept of national security of Ukraine, where computer crime and cyberterrorism are named as priority threats, undoubtedly, will promote counteraction to this harm and activization of the international cooperation, coordination of law enforcement bodies and special services.

Computer Crime Research Center

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