Russia: Information technologies and the prospects of development
By Timofey Saytarly
Date: July 07, 2003
Development and wide use of information and communication technologies is the main tendency of global development and scientific and technical revolution.
In October, 2002 in Moscow, at the international summit «National strategy of development of an information society. Experience, problems, prospects» Boris Antonjuk the deputy minister of the Russian Federation on communication and informatization has gave the following figures: the cost of access to the Internet can decrease in 40 %, and in 50 % by 2010^; the quantity of Internet users will rise in 8 times by 2005. The market of the Internet technologies will grow in 2-3 times by 2005, and in 5 years it will make 2 % from gross national product.
In the beginning of March 2003, the Minister of Russian Federation on communication and informatization in his report at the final session of Ministry of Communications «On results of communication branch in 2002 and tasks for 2003» has noted that computer park of Russia has increased on 20 % and has made 9 items for 100 person. The quantity of the Internet users has risen on 39% and has reached 6 million person that makes 4,2 % of the country population. The volume of the domestic Internet-market has grown on 9 % and has made more than $4 billion».
Computer Crime Research Center
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