^macro[html_start;The Italian carabineers have detained software pirates;The Italian carabineers have detained software pirates; Italian, carabineers, detained, software, pirates] ^macro[pagehead;img/library.gif] ^macro[leftcol] ^macro[centercol;

The Italian carabineers have detained software pirates

By Vladimir Golubev
Date: June 18, 2003

Stop Cyber Crime Italian carabineers have detained the largest gang of software pirates. Piracy production confiscated by policemen, is estimated by Business Software Alliance (BSA) in 118 million euro. The carabineers conducted an operation "Mouse" in cooperation with BSA and Federation against a musical piracy. The action was directed on revealing and detention of ten thousands pirates.

Italian law enforcement bodies traced a stream of dynamical IP - addresses, analyzed log - files and "hacked" passwords of anonymous e-addresses and the encrypted messages to convict computer pirates. The police has already brought a charge against 180 suspected in distribution of illegal software^; 10,300 person are under examination.

Computer Crime Research Center

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