^macro[html_start;Secret Service creating team to fight cybercrime;Secret Service creating team to fight cybercrime;Secret Service, creating, team, fight cybercrime, cyber-hacker, computer crime] ^macro[pagehead;img/library.gif] ^macro[leftcol] ^macro[centercol;

Secret Service creating team to fight cybercrime

Source: DallasNews.Com
Date: June 17, 2003

Stop Cybercrimes WASHINGTON – The U.S. Secret Service announced Monday that it will form an Electronic Crimes Task Force in its Dallas bureau to combat regional computer-based crimes, including fraud, identity theft and cyberterrorism. Officials said 15 agents would work with the private sector, academia and local law enforcement to investigate computer-based crimes, expanding the capability to battle hackers that attack universities, businesses and government computer systems.

"No one has the inside track on cybercrimes. We are hoping that corporations and academia will look to us as forensic experts," said Michael James, special agent in charge of the Dallas district. "Our mission is protecting critical infrastructure and informational systems and minimizing the potential weaknesses we all face." The University of North Texas, University of Texas at Dallas, University of Dallas and more than 15 businesses have agreed to work with the Secret Service, Mr. James said. He declined to identify the businesses.

The task force is investigating several "major intrusions" into computer systems, Mr. James said.

Original article: http://www.dallasnews.com/localnews/stories/061703dnmetcrimes.ac9cb.html

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