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Russia is alarmed at the cyberthreat

By Vladimir Golubev
Date: June 13, 2003

Stop Cyber Crime Now, a liberal share of the software in the domestic market is represented by the foreign manufacturers^; this software is mostly used in private sector. As for state bodies, the use of the foreign programs in the Russian army, in government, etc., cannot guarantee a due level of safety.

Losses from computer crime increase in Russia. 500 cases of cyber crime were fixed last year in Moscow region and more than 800 cases on cyber crime were fixed for four months this year. There are cases of money thefts from bank accounts, credit cards, non-authorized access to data bases of the companies and the state bodies. Though, the scope of computer crimes in Russia is not so great as in the U.S. or Canada.

For example, in August, 2000 the network of Canada reconnaissance unit has been hacked, therefore hackers have got access to superconfidential state documents. In September, 2000 the site of company Western Union has been hacked also. Malefactors have made electronic copies of credit cards of 15700 clients. In May, 2001 the California system of power supply has been attacked^; in result, about 400 thousand Californian consumers have been cut-off power supply. Experts believe, Russia will face similar problems in the nearest future also. Therefore many commercial companies and state structures try to secure the information to the maximum.

However, in opinion of experts foreign software is comprehensible first of all to private sector. But there are certain difficulties with the use of foreign software by state bodies.

Dependence on the foreign software producer is not only potentially dangerous, but economically extremely unprofitable also.

Meanwhile, according to experts, today's superstate U.S. system is formed not by volume of oil export or steel melt, but leadership in the IT market. If Russia will not start to develop own information technologies, it will not be possible to get the worthy position in the world. In this connection India and China are already prepared to surpass Russia. The development of software branch in Russia will promote development of a mental potential of the country.

Computer Crime Research Center

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