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XXX-sites is a finance source for International Terrorism

By Vladimir Golubev
Date: June 12, 2003

Stop Child Porn Incomes from xxx-sites are used in financing the extremist and terrorist organizations

According to the head of department on fighting cyber crime in Moscow the colonel Dmitry Chepchugov, 75 % of all child pornography is distributed in the Internet^; about 90 % of the Interpol search orders on computer crime are devoted to this problem.

"Incomes from pornography make an appreciable segment of the shady financial market and are used in financing of traditional crimes and the terrorist organizations" - Chepchugov said. "Under the available information, everyone web-site containing child porn brings the illegal income about $ 30 thousand a month.

Every day agents of Cyber Crime Department in Moscow search for web-sites containing child porn. In total since March, 2002 three thousand web-sites representing operative interest have been polished. In result, 14 criminal cases have been brought to court.

Computer Crime Research Center

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