Europe vs. Cyberterrorism
By Vladimir Golubev
Date: June 11, 2003
The desire of Europe to go in own way and to be less dependent on U.S. is shown not only in a policy, but also in sphere of high technologies.
After attacks of virus Slammer the European Community has decided to create the European Agency on Information and Computer Networks Security. The budget of agency will make 24 million euro for the first 5 years. The agency will begin work in January, 2004. The purpose of new structure is to fight computer piracy and fast information interchange between the countries of EU in cases of cyber threats.
It is supposed, the main attention will be given to fighting cyberterrorism, that is a real threat now. Firstly the same Slammer have been attributed to a radical Islamic hacker grouping. However, according to experts in the field of Network Security, the occurrence of viruses intended for the Internet infrastructure disruption is just a matter of time. A disintegration of the Internet into several national-territorial segments is considered now as probable negative consequence.
U.S. government has already made attempts to protect the Internet. It is Europe's turn now.
Computer Crime Research Center
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