^macro[html_start;Proposed European cybercrime agency could be axed;Proposed European cybercrime agency could be axed;Proposed, European, cybercrime, agency, could, axed] ^macro[pagehead;img/library.gif] ^macro[leftcol] ^macro[centercol;

Proposed European cybercrime agency could be axed

Sourse: Europemedia.net
Date: June 06, 2003

Stop Cybercrimes The European Commission’s plans to set up a new agency to combat cybercrime could be shelved due to attempts by member state government to too closely monitor the new agency, said spokespeople for the European Union.
Planned to be activated before the end of 2003, the European Network and Information Security Agency, was intended to offer advice to EU governments on how to defeat internet crime. But national governments now want to appoint members of the agency’s management board and axe plans for an advisory panel that was to represent the interests of businesses.
The commission does not want to see such changes to the proposed agency structure and is now saying it may shelve the whole thing.
The commission had wanted the E24m agency to be a nimble, thirty-person body that could react quickly to new crises.

Original article: http://www.europemedia.net/shownews.asp?ArticleID=16638

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