^macro[html_start;Protection of the intellectual property in Ukraine;Protection of the intellectual property in Ukraine; Protection, intellectual, property, Ukraine] ^macro[pagehead;img/library.gif] ^macro[leftcol] ^macro[centercol;

Protection of the intellectual property in Ukraine

By Ludmila Goroshko
Date: June 05, 2003

Intellectual property Hardly more than year has passed after the Law on laser disks has been passed. One of its positions is the creation of inspectors division on the intellectual property. Today inspectors operate in all regions of Ukraine, Kiev and Sevastopol.

The basic function of the inspector is the regular control over businesses in sphere of the intellectual property. First of all, the observance of Ukraine's laws «About the copyright», «About distribution of copies of audiovisual products and soundtracks», «About features of state regulation of businesses, connected to manufacture, export, import of disks for laser reading systems».

On results of learning the activity on using copyrights in each region, inspectors make scheduled and off-schedule checks. The special attention is given to businesses that continue to ignore requirements of the current legislation. Checks are also made with participation of other supervising bodies - the Ministry of Internal Affairs, customs service, security service, and tax police.

Computer Crime Research Center

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