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Penal Code and IT

by Vladimir Golubev
Date: September 24, 2003

computer crime It is known that Penal Code of Ukraine has section XVI, devoted to the crimes related to computers, systems and computer networks.

Two years has passed since September, 1, 2001, when the New Penal Code of Ukraine came into force. And now we can say that development of Information Technologies in Ukraine promptly outstrips Ukrainian legislation in this area. According to InformationWeek, development of the new project of the superfast computing system is finishing. Its principle is based on the new quantum mechanism^; and the day when the first quantum computer will appear is not far. Quantum computer will be so powerful that will force the today's fastest computer to look like pocket calculator.

The usual computer "thinks" with the help of a plenty of operations. Using these operations and bits of the information, the processor can store numbers and do all sortings of the mathematical data to execute computing commands. The quantum computer will be much more perfect than present models.

The quantum computer will use intratomic particles - electrons. As these particles can exist in different statuses simultaneously, they become polybit, i.e. they can store several bits of information in one time. Thus, an electron can carry much more information than usual mechanical system .

In this connection it is possible to imagine problems which will rise in qualification of computer crimes and prosecution in Ukraine, because cybercriminals will use QUANTUM COMPUTERS but not COMPUTERS how it is foreseen in present Penal Code of Ukraine.

Computer Crime Research Center

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