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There are no compromises in the Internet...

Vladimir Golubev
Date: August 26, 2003

Cyber Crime Lately hackers of the East Europe have cracked not less than 1 million credit cards' numbers of 40 US financial companies. Hackers damage about 64 % of large companies. According to the experts, the piracy copying music, video and texts from the Internet will make benefits of 112 billion dollars by 2005. The credit cards fraud is one of the most widespread computer crimes in the world. Now swindlers don't steal credits cards from pockets and wallets of their owners. It is much more safe and favourable to crack computer systems and get the information necessary for manufacturing of counterfeit cards.

There are no compromises in the Internet. After the massed hacker's attacks which were come to the end with fantastic losses, the «Virus war» starts in cyber space bringing mullions-strong losses.

The UK government has addressed to officials of 12 states with the invitation to exchange the confidential information on the complaints arrived from Internet users. It could help in search and neutralization of swindlers. The US's Chamber of Commerce and Industry has voted for joining, as well as Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Hungary, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, South Korea, Sweden and Switzerland. The US's Commission on exchange's activity has created special division with 100 stuff policemen for the control over reliability of the information in the Internet. This division is responsible for correctness of the data delivered by email and placed on electronic bulletin boards and web sites.

Computer Crime Research Center

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