^macro[html_start;Chinese hackers arm with "hole" in Windows;Chinese hackers arm with "hole" in Windows;Chinese, hackers, arm, hole, Windows, cyber crime, computer crime, cybercrime] ^macro[pagehead;img/library.gif] ^macro[leftcol] ^macro[centercol;

Chinese hackers arm with "hole" in Windows

By Vladimir Golubev
Date: July 28, 2003

Xfocus Chinese organization Xfocus, has placed the hacker program at the web-site. The program allowed to get remote control over the computer through defect in Windows. The program was born in nine days after Microsoft has declared a "hole" in Windows, including the most safe Windows Server 2003.

Microsoft has called users to download "patch" for the found out defect. Probably many users haven't done it. The "hole" used by Chinese hackers, has been found out by the Polish experts and has received the name "Last stage of researchers' madness". Defect is related to technology of network access to files. It could help hackers to get the control over victim's computer, to steal data, to delete files and read email. However, Microsoft experts assert, that there are no cases of use the Chinese program, for a while yet...

Computer Crime Research Center

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