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Internet and Cybercrime

By Vladimir Golubev
Date: July 24, 2003

Stop Cyber Terrorism Law enforcement bodies have a certain experience in prevention and investigation of computer crimes related to telecommunications, banking, businesses.

It is obviously that the Internet becomes criminal element: web sites propagandizing criminal ideology are created, services are used for communication and experience exchange between criminals, coordination of criminal activity is provided.

Glaring example of such use the Internet is e-mailing by Osama Ben-Laden organizing acts of terrorism in New York in September, 2001. Later, American Intelligence Service have found out tens websites of the islamic contents which are used by "Al-Qaeda" for information distribution and coordination of the agents in the Network. According to experts, the coded instructions for agents were contained in citations from the Koran and senseless signs, phrases published at similar resources. The color of icons and links had a certain sense as well. CIA's analytics were engaged in decoding of messages and signs at Al-Qaeda websites^; after September, 11 agents found out the "splashes" in the traffic of the websites in time of attempts of terrorism acts.

According to experts of the United Nations, losses from computer crimes in the world have already exceeded $ 1 trillion. As for Ukraine, the losses can make 3 billion UAH in 2003-2004.

Computer Crime Research Center

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