^macro[html_start;Some aspects of investigating computer crimes;Some aspects of investigating computer crimes;Some, aspects, investigating, computer crimes, Cyberterrorism, cybercrimes] ^macro[pagehead;img/library.gif] ^macro[leftcol] ^macro[centercol;

Some aspects of investigating computer crimes

Source: Crime-research.org
By Andrey Belousov
Date: June 20, 2003

Stop Cybercrimes One of the top-priority goals of the modern society saturated with information computer technologies is to fight computer crimes. According to interrogations, materials, hearings and scientific researches, the world society faces serious problems in this sphere. Thousands cybercrimes are committed in the developed countries and economic losses inflicted by them make up billions US dollars.
According to US expert statistics, in the USA an average damage is $3.2 thousand (a physical bank robbery), $23 thousand (a swindle) and $500 thousand (a computer crime).

The imperfectness of laws and state system on fighting cybercrimes aggravates all this.
It is necessary to protect computer information systems from committing crimes connected with stealing, illegally modifying or destroying processed information, using computers in an unauthorized way, as well as deliberate interference with their work because of an increased significance of information e-systems in a social life, sizes of their use to process limited access data and popularity of the Internet.

Fighting cybercrimes in an effective way depends on an optimum combination of legal and preventive measures, laborious work on improving criminal laws and elaborating norms that establish the liability for committing cybercrimes and are practically used.

Original article: http://www.crime-research.org/eng/library/Belousov0603.html

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