^macro[html_start;Cyber crimes has a mercenary nature;Cyber crimes has a mercenary nature; Cyber crimes, mercenary, nature] ^macro[pagehead;img/library.gif] ^macro[leftcol] ^macro[centercol;

Cyber crimes has a mercenary nature

By Vladimir Golubev
Date: June 18, 2003

Stop Cyber Crime Formally hactivism assumes the organization of civil disobedience actions providing the pressure upon the state institutes. Hactivism provides active actions^; therefore it is illegal, as well as the majority of similar actions.

Form the standpoint of psychological characteristic “hacker” is a creative personality, professional, capable to run risks. Hackers-amateurs are the most numerous but the least dangerous (80% of computer attacks). They are interested in no aim but the attack process itself. They enjoy overcoming systems of protection. Their actions are often easy to suppress because hackers-amateurs prefer not to enter into a conflict with the Law. According to practice, most hackers do not have the traditional criminal past.

It can be concluded from materials of Crime-research.org expert researches that the age of 33% deliberate criminals did not exceed 20 years when committing a crime, 54% - from 20 to 40 years, 13% - were older than 40 years. That is researches deny a formed opinion that hackers are mainly teenagers from 12 to 20 years. Men five times oftener commit crimes by using computer technologies. Most subjects of such crimes have finished or unfinished high technical education (53,7%) and other finished or unfinished high education (19,2%)

Professional computer criminals with pronounced mercenary purpose form the most dangerous group. According to experts, they commit about 79% all crimes, which are connected with stealing material values at especially large rates and most malfeasances. These persons can be characterized as highly skilled experts with high juridical, technical and economical education. They know computing technique perfectly well, master programming, their actions are accompanied by excellent disguise. This category of criminals is the most dangerous for the society and government.

Computer Crime Research Center

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