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Government to fight cyber crime

Source: S A B C
Date: June 18, 2003

Lindiwe Sisulu, Intelligence Minister The National Intelligence Agent has identified cyber criminals and private intelligence companies as a serious threat to national security. Lindiwe Sisulu, Intelligence Minister, told Parliament today, that special interception centres would be set up to counter cyber criminals seeking to undermine the country's national security.

Networks are needed for communication, transport, public safety, and energy. However, it is becoming easier for criminals and terrorist organisations to abuse them. The government wants to set up interception centres.

Sisulu told Parliament that the cyber-threat was a clear danger in a world dependent on computer networks for transportation, public safety, energy and communications. She says criminals and terrorists organisations find it easier to use computers for illegal purposes.

The minister said the interception centres would only target those who threaten national security, commit crimes, and steal and sell strategic information. She also said legislation governing private intelligence companies would soon be tightened.

Original article: http://www.sabcnews.com/politics/parliament/0,1009,60659,00.html

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