^macro[html_start;The Nizhnevartovsk hacker has remained unpunished;The Nizhnevartovsk hacker has remained unpunished; Nizhnevartovsk, hacker, remained, unpunished] ^macro[pagehead;img/library.gif] ^macro[leftcol] ^macro[centercol;

The Nizhnevartovsk hacker has remained unpunished

By Vladimir Golubev
Date: June 17, 2003

Stop Cyber Crimes The Nizhnevartovsk Office of Public Prosecutor (Russia) has stopped investigation of the criminal case of "hacking" an official site of the city newspaper "Varta". It was the first case of cybercrime investigation in Nizhnevartovsk. The criminal case has been dismissed in connection with the absence of suspected persons. The fact of site "hacking" has not been proven also. Claimants have not yet acted with demands on continuation of the investigation.

According to police, on the night April 1, 2003 the unknown person "has hacked" a site of the city newspaper. Alexander Strabykin, the editor-in-chief of "Varta" for that time, has demanded to investigate the incident. Three computers have been withdrawn from one of the townspeople during investigation. But police did not manage to find the expert, capable to carry out the examination. The hacker has remained unpunished.

According to news agency "Zapsibinform", the site of "Varta" is off-line now. The new heads of the issue are going to create the youth information Internet-resource instead of entertainment portal devoted to computer games. It is not known yet when the newspaper will inaugurate a new web-site.

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