^macro[html_start;"Fighting Computer Crime" Seminar;"Fighting Computer Crime" Seminar;"Fighting, Computer Crime, Seminar, Computer Crimes, cybercrimes] ^macro[pagehead;img/library.gif] ^macro[leftcol] ^macro[centercol;

"Fighting Computer Crime" Seminar

Stop Cyber Terrorism On September 26, 2003 the Second All-Ukrainian Seminar "Fighting Computer Crime" will be hold at Humanitarian University "Zaporozhye Institute of the State and Municipal Government" (Ukraine). The seminar will take place under the support of Computer Crime Research Center.

The scientific directions of seminar are:
Fighting Computer Crime.
Legislative Problems of Information Security.

Researchers and experts in the field Information Technologies are invited to participation in the seminar.


Organizing committee of the Second All-Ukrainian Seminar:

Contact Postal: 70-b Zhukovskogo Street, Zaporozhye, Ukraine, 69002
Humanitarian University "ZISMG", ph.: +38 061220-1283,

Contact By E-mail: ccrc@crime-research.org

WWW: http://www.crime-research.org


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