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The Large Theft has been prevented in Ukraine

By Timofey Saytarly
Date: June 06, 2003

Fighting Cybercrime A student of the fifth course of the higher school has been arrested. He was engaged in manufacturing and selling abroad counterfeit credit cards "Visa", “American Express”, "MasterCard", “Dinez club”.

158 finished false cards and 2576 half-finished plastic cards with a magnetic strip but without essential elements of system, bank and the owner have been withdrawn from him.

Manufacture has been developed in specially rented apartment equipped with a computer, the device for drawing the essential elements of bank and the owner of a card, a laminator and even with the simple device for manufacturing protective holograms. Bank experts appreciated high quality of the withdrawn forgeries.

Now employees of many foreign banks check the withdrawn cards. While it is checked 30 credit cards "Visa" - the probable damage only on them could make more than 300 thousand dollars. In case of realization of these criminal intentions, foreign banks could lose many millions dollars.

According to Criminal code of Ukraine such crime is punished by imprisonment for 2 - 5 years.

Computer Crime Research Center

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