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Romanian police attack cyber-crime

Source: Europemedia.net
Date: May 23, 2003

Stop Cyber-crime On 7 May 2003 the Romanian Police held a press conference at which Mr. Dan Fatuloiu, Adjunct Director of the General Division on Combating Organised Crime and Drugs presented a document on cyber-crime.
He said that over the course of last year, there were 242 complaints registered in 35 cases related to internet crimes. Ninety-six people were investigated and 54 were preventatively arrested. The estimated loss due to such crimes was around E342,000m. From the beginning of this year, complaints have been solved in 12 penal cases, with people arrested. The estimated loss for 2003 is E86,000.

Original article: http://www.europemedia.net/shownews.asp?ArticleID=1645

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