^macro[html_start;Identity theft in Russia has got an epidemic character;Identity theft in Russia has got an epidemic character;Identity, theft, Russia, epidemic, character] ^macro[pagehead;img/library.gif] ^macro[leftcol] ^macro[centercol;

Identity theft in Russia has got an epidemic character

By Vladimir Golubev
Date: May 23, 2003

Stop Cybercrime Identity theft in Russia has got an epidemic character. And it is just the one of many threats related to information.

On statistics data in 2002 there were registered 3 371 cybercrimes in Russia.

Computer hacks are the most popular (about 90 %) among all registered computer crimes related to illegal information resources access.

Earlier the attention of hackers has been drown to the western firms, but now they are interested in Russian firms engaged in the sphere of e-commerce and banking. So, on January 30, 2003 in Tula's bank $19 000 have been stolen from the personal account through the Internet. According to Department of Internal Affairs of the Tula region, it is not the first case of hacking the bank computer networks.

It is already known the cases of use the secondary latent opportunities of modern technical means by criminals in their illegal activity: mini-automatic telephone system, cell-phones and the software. It can impact confidentiality, availability or integrity of the information.

The development of information technologies causes occurrence a lot of new problems, which should be fixed and be solved operatively by info-sec experts. So, it would be possible to guarantee non-failure operation of the automated control systems of businesses, governments and public organizations, etc.

Computer Crime Research Center

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