^macro[html_start;A Strategy to Protect Cyberspace;A Strategy to Protect Cyberspace; Strategy, Protect, Cyberspace] ^macro[pagehead;img/library.gif] ^macro[leftcol] ^macro[centercol;

A Strategy to Protect Cyberspace

By Peter Williams

In February the White House released the final draft of the National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace, a set of guidelines establishing broad targets for Internet security in the public and private sectors. Here are its primary goals:

- Establish a security response system by expanding the federal Cyber Warning and Information Network and increasing communication with private companies.

- Reduce online vulnerabilities by increasing prosecution of cybercrime and encouraging Internet users to adopt improved security protocols, policies, and practices.

- Encourage security awareness and training through a public service campaign^; launch a joint public and private task force to help technology companies promote security to small businesses and to consumers.

- Secure government-controlled cyberspace through greater use of security-assessment and policy-enforcement tools^; review the need for stronger and expanded access-control and authentication devices.

- Seek international cooperation in combating cyberterror, work with Canada and Mexico to make North America a "Safe Cyber Zone," and promote a global "culture of security."

Source: www.pcworld.com

Cybercrime News Archive

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