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Cybercrime Conference 2004

Cybercrime Conference 2004 We are proud to announce that On May 26-28, 2004, the Computer Crime Research Center (Zaporozhye, Ukraine) and the Transnational Crime and Corruption Center at the American University (Washington, DC, U.S.) will hold the international the Second Scientific and Practical Cyber Crime Conference 2004.

The objective of the Third Conference is to discuss problems of globalization of information systems, their influence on the formation of information society and security of up-to-date information technology, including financial, judicial, organizational and technical issues of data and information security. Among the questions to be discussed are staff training^; legal and regulatory use of IT in forming and manipulation of public opinion^; social, psychological and medical aspects of mass and individual information operations.

Everyone interested and engaged in fighting cybercrime is invited to participate in the Conference. The 2003 Cybercrime Conference had over 50 attendees. This year we are expecting a lot more speakers, topics and attendees.

The Cyber Crime Conference will cover the following issues:
- Fighting Cyber Crime.
- Firghting Cyber Terrorism.
- Intellectual Property Rights: Fighting Software Piracy.
- Legal Aspects Of Information Security.


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