^macro[html_start;The Fourth Annual Conference "ITS-2004" Partenit, Ukraine - June 21-25, 2004;The Fourth Annual Conference "ITS-2004" Partenit, Ukraine - June 21-25, 2004^;computer crime, The Fourth Annual Conference"ITS-2004" Partenit, Ukraine - June 21-25, 2004] ^macro[pagehead;img/library.gif] ^macro[leftcol] ^macro[centercol;

The Fourth Annual Conference "ITS-2004" Partenit, Ukraine - June 21-25, 2004

The Fourth Annual Conference We are proud to announce that the Fourth International "Information Technology and Security" (ITS-2004) Conference will be held on June 21-25, 2004 in Ukraine. The conference will take place in the beautiful Partenit resort, located in the Crimea Mountains near the Black Sea.The two previous conferences were of such great interest to experts from Ukraine, the Russian Federation, USA and other countries that they became active supporters of the third conference initiative in 2004. TraCCC and Zaporizhzhya Computer Crime Research Center are among organizers of the ITS-2004. The objective of the Third Conference is to discuss problems of globalization of information systems, their influence on the formation of information society and security of up-to-date information technology, including financial, judicial, organizational and technical issues of data and information security. Among the questions to be discussed are staff training^; legal and regulatory use of IT in forming and manipulation of public opinion^; social, psychological and medical aspects of mass and individual information operations.

We invite you to participate in the conference, attend and take part in discussion groups, present reports of your research or speak about problems you encounter in your organization. Proposed topics for the conference discussion are the following:

- Fighting cybercrime and cyberterrorism.
- Globalization of information systems and security.
- Protection of information and protection against information.
- Legal aspects of information security.
- Social psychological and medical aspects of information security.
- Practical questions of information security.


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